Saturday, August 29, 2009

Blogging About Twitter

Twitter is an excellent social networking application. This application allows businesses to twitter to promote products and services in real time. Twitter is also free. To Twitter use short messages called “Tweets”. The messages are 140 characters or less and can be published through your mobile phones and computers. Twitter allows people in business to have followers and to follow other Twitters. This is a fantastic way to expand a business, because of the many applications that are associated with “Twitter”. Individuals have the capability to have their tweets published publically or privately. Many businesses are using this Web 2.0 technology to promote their business name, and increase business profits. Because Twitter
allows the user to integrate with Facebook, ActiveRain, and other industry social networking sites the tweets have the capability to be duplicated (if selected) and reach more individuals. Because followers can re-tweet these mini messages, the following usually increase rapidly and within a brief period of time the following has increased tremendously. Tweet your business into success.

Adwords saves businesses big advertising bucks

Google Adwords provides businesses that are on low budgets an avenue to get the best bang for their buck. The advertisers that use this system may not have a lot of money to offer individually. However, collectively they are who turned Google Adwords into a multibillion dollar business. The advertisers have the capability of putting messages into users’ new feeds, the default section that lets members know what their friends are up to. Since its inception many other search engines are trying to develop ad serving technology so that they may compete with Google. Google Adwords has also introduced an API that lets developers build applications that interact directly with the Adwords platform. It is flexible and functional as it allows advertisers, and third parties to manage their accounts more efficiently, and to be more creative. Advertisers can build applications that meet their needs. Adwords automatically generate keywords, Adtext, and destination URL’s. It has the flexibility of integrating with an inventory system which helps to manage campaigns based on stock. Additional tools and applications can be developed to help the advertiser manage their account.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Google allows resellers for Adwords

Adwords can be used for more than just selling products. Adwords is also a great tool to be used for job advertising. As an innovator in online marketing technology, TodayMD has become an authorized reseller for Google Adwords. As with TodayMD other leading resellers are joining this form of advertisement as they deliver strong search engine results. So as we enjoy the World Wide Web and travel down the information highway; we discover that advertising will never be the same. At a point in time not very long ago, advertising was either done through the media, in a magazine, or in newspapers. We focused primarily on the aspect of advertising and the costs. But the results of Adwords advertising are overwhelming. As a surfer on the Internet hears the words, “you have been Googled”; merchants are seeing dollar signs as they hear the sounds of their cash registers. Adwords results have proven that it is most beneficial for small businesses to advertise on Google Adwords.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Google Adwords

Google is the most popular search engine in use today. Google’s online advertising program “Adwords” has experienced phenomenal growth and profits. The Adwords programs evaluates millions of variables about users and advertisers in a fraction of a second, correlates the variables with millions of potential ads, and deliver the message to which each user will most likely respond. The technology is straightforward, and not groundbreaking. Adwords is a self service advertising program. The vendors enroll online using a credit card. The advertisers must bid to have their ads placed alongside the search results for specific keyword queries. Adwords Select uses a cost per click (CPC) pricing so that advertisers only pay for the ads when the users actually click on them.

The placement of ads is determined by Google through a combination of CPC’s and total number of click rates. Therefore, the most relevant ads for a keyword string appear in the most prominent position. Extensive exposure is provided through Adwords because the keyword-targeted ad appears throughout the Google network. In recent years Adwords came under fire for being vulnerable to a business practice called click-fraud. This was a competitor’s way of driving up their rival’s advertising budget. Google has a Fraud Detection system in place to detect click fraud before a customer is charged.

Get ready for an influx of brand names in Google keyword ads. The search giant, which until May - 2009 has prohibited the use of trademarked brand terms in ad text on its search results page (except when permitted by the brand itself) is now allowing the use of trademarked terms (under some circumstances) in Adwords copy. Adwords system allow advertisers to place their ad messages, which carry a 70 character limit, around a user’s search result, often seen on top or to the right on a search-results page. Google checks both the ad itself and the landing page to ensure the advertiser is eligible to use the brand before approving ad text. The keywords chose play an all important role in converting the traffic that ads generate into business. Since Google processes billions of searches each day and many of those searches involve consumers researching a company, product, or service; Google Adwords is like a money mint.